Thursday, October 9, 2008



Hutchie Bear said...

"He's got the bloodline. Just look at the name. Wow. He has the connections. He is a one man terrorist cell. "

Its tough when the people who love your campaign most also hate others the most. There are very few thoughtful mobs. I think anyone who actually follows this campaign and takes in reasonably accurate information couldn't be excited about either candidate, but also couldn't draw conclusions that these people are evil.

I wish both campaigns had the integrity to denounce some of their supporters

a low roar said...

but they won't...

Big Rick said...

yeah, it's definitely frustrating. but so much of elections is based on short term goals/gains. The major focus becomes saying the “right” things to get elected, without doing the “right” thing (ie. calling out your supporters who are going to the extreme). But it’s also important to realize that the most vocal (or radical) of supporters do not always represent the majority (of supporters, in this case), and it’s all too easy for that to be overlooked.

Hutchie Bear said...

And the press of course goes for the extreme voter.