Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Toby Keith Sings about the War on Christmas

Monday, November 24, 2008

Education as a "Weapon" in Pakistan

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times chronicles a private program promoting education in Pakistan. Particularly eye-opening are the shoddy public schools and the stories of girls seen as threats because of their education. Also, people testify that the Taliban is less likely to infiltrate a village if the populace is educated.


Opinion | Nicholas D. Kristof

Books Not Bombs

While the U.S. government is fighting Islamic extremism in Pakistan with bombs, private donations are quietly financing a more important campaign: education.

Video below:

Friday, November 21, 2008


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

David Brooks: "The Former Middle Class"

At the beginning of every recession, there are people who see the downturn as an occasion for moral revival: Americans will learn to live without material extravagances. They’ll simplify their lives. They’ll rediscover what really matters: home, friends and family.

But recessions are about more than material deprivation. They’re also about fear and diminished expectations. The cultural consequences of recessions are rarely uplifting.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh the New York Times

I love the New York times. I'm not going to lie.

Even I have to snicker at the obvious giddyness and lavish praise at the Obama win. Theyr'e so cute when they're happy

Look at this one story's headline:

"Election Unleashes a Flood of Hope Worldwide"

PARIS — From the front lines of Iraq to more genteel spots like Harry’s Bar in Paris, the election of Barack Obama unlocked a floodgate of hope that a new American leader will redeem promises of change, rewrite the political script and, perhaps as important as anything else, provide a kind of leadership that will erase the bitterness of the Bush years.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Sunday, November 2, 2008